This is it! Our very last hike before we leave! I can’t believe it’s really here! We wanted to do something fairly easy, but still get a work out in. Poo Poo Point fit the bill! It’s 3.6 miles each way and 1800’ elevation, it was the perfect level of difficulty for us to taper.
Most of the trail is in the woods, which was great because it’s another scorcher of a day. Side note: Seattle is having the worst heat wave I’ve ever experienced in my 30+ years on this planet. I can’t remember ever feeling so hot for so long! I feel like I have to go to sub-Saharan, equatorial Africa to get away from it (said no one ever, until now).
Thank goodness for water in the creeks to help keep things a bit cooler.
The trees are really pretty in the early morning light.
The top is where the paragliders launch from. Unfortunately for us, there aren’t any today, but the views of Seattle are spectacular.
I’m so glad to finish this hike. It means we’re only a few days from getting on a flight to Tanzania and starting this climb for real! I don’t think I’ll have much access to my computer and internet while I’m on the mountain, but if I can, I’ll try to schedule a few posts to pass the time until I can update you on how it’s going/went!!